You’ve heard of superfoods. You’ve probably been told to eat superfoods yourself. So, what foods are considered superfoods and does your pet need in on the action? Superfoods are foods thought to be nutritionally dense and contain naturally beneficial nutrients that may not be required for life, but can enhance health and well-being. Just like you, pets benefit from nutritionally dense foods that help them feel their best and can aid in avoiding diseases.
Some superfoods that can help your pet live a healthier life include berries, canned pumpkin, carrots, eggs, broccoli and apples. Varying levels of these superfoods are usually added to most balanced and complete diets you may purchase for your pet. Some specific benefits of superfoods for pets include phytonutrients, essential fatty acids and Vitamin C.
Phytochemicals get their name from the Greek word for plant, “phyto.” Phytochemicals or phytonutrients (both refer to the same thing) are bioactive non-nutrient plant compounds in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other plant foods that have been hypothesized to reduce the risk of major chronic diseases. They differ from vitamins and minerals in that your pet doesn’t need them to survive but they may be linked to helping prevent disease while keeping their bodies working efficiently.
Essential fatty acids are fatty acids that need to be consumed in a diet because they are not made naturally by the body. This means it’s necessary to provide your pet the nutrients and essential fatty acids they need, many times via superfoods. Superfoods such as salmon or other oily fish contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids– in particular DHA and EPA. These are extremely important for health and proven to help with brain function, vision and can even be anti-inflammatory. Adjusting the amount of dietary fat and specific fatty acids can also affect the energy density of a pet food. Your pet’s skin and coat will reap the superfoods benefits these essential fatty acids provide as well.
Many superfoods contain Vitamin C – a very safe and powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps preserve fatty acids from oxidizing. Oxidation is the chemical reaction of oxygen combining with another substance, and oxidation of food by a pet is a natural process which provides both the heat and the energy needed to keep their bodies running properly. Vitamin C also aids in protection against the daily environmental contaminants, like air pollutants. This powerful antioxidant defends against the free radicals environmental contaminants create and while helping to boost your pet’s immune system.
SquarePet encourages a proactive approach to your pet’s health through proper nutrition. Superfoods should be a part of any healthy diet for your pet but don’t hesitate to consult with your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.
Cheers to your pets feeling great and having soft coats that showcase their health from the inside out!